Employment Application Disclaimer
We would like to thank you for showing an interest in working here. However, we have found in the past that many people do not have a very realistic view of what working in a place like this involves. Please read the following carefully.
First, you need to understand that the primary purpose of this facility is to take care of other people's pets as though they were our own. This business is seasonal in nature so you can expect your hours or days to vary according to our needs. We realize that working under these conditions can be difficult for some people, but that is the nature of the business and your DEPENDABILITY in this area is critical. If you don't think you can be that flexible, you should really seek employment elsewhere.
If you do not have a genuine love of animals, you do not need to be here. Keep in mind that we are seeking people who are mature enough to understand and accept the responsibilities we will place on them. This job entails more than playing with cute little puppies all day. Someone must clean up after them, feed them, administer medications, and see to their comfort and security. This requires a great deal of hard physical work, dedication, and responsibility.
While working here you will be exposed to filth, loud noises, cleaning chemicals, a variety of parasites and zoonoses (medical ailments that people can acquire form animals) and the ever-present risk of being bitten, scratched, or mauled. These are the potential hazards you face and accept by working in a facility that provides care to other people's animals.
You will be expected to perform any task we require of you. We will try to make the best use of your skills and experience, but don't expect to be exempt from the more mundane and unpleasant chores that need to be performed. Floors need to be mopped, cages cleaned, trash cans emptied, poop scooped, and tools cleaned, straw cleaned and taken out of exercise areas on a regular basis, windows cleaned, yard and landscaping work, snow shoveling, and dog runs sanitized, etc.
If you get ill at the idea of cleaning up diarrhea or vomit, then you are in the wrong place. If you can't pick up a 50-pound bag of food by yourself, this isn't the place for you. If you are allergic to animal hair or sensitive to chemicals, now is the time to leave.
We are looking for mature, responsible people. You must be reliable, patient, intelligent, and capable of independent action. If you must be constantly supervised, or if you cannot find things to do on your own, then you are not the person we are looking for.
We take our profession seriously. If you wish to work here, then you must too. If you can make this commitment, then proceed to fill out your job application.