Instructions for Taking the Assessment
In this assessment, you will be asked to respond to a series of statements by rating your level of agreement on a scale from 1 to 10, where:
1 means you strongly disagree
10 means you strongly agree
How to Approach the Assessment:
Be Honest: There are no right or wrong answers. The purpose is to capture your genuine thoughts and feelings.
Go with Your Gut: Try not to overthink your responses. Your initial reaction is usually the most accurate.
Stay Focused: Each statement will require your attention, so make sure you are in a distraction-free environment.
Take Your Time: While we encourage you to answer intuitively, feel free to take a moment to consider your response if necessary. However, try to keep a steady pace.
Consistency: Ensure your responses reflect how you currently feel rather than how you think you should feel. Be consistent with your current mindset and experiences.
Neutral Responses: If you feel neutral or undecided on a statement, you can choose a middle number like 5 or 6, but avoid doing this too often unless it's truly how you feel.
Remember, your answers will help give valuable insights, so answer as authentically as possible!
All information will be kept confidential and not shared with any other parties, unless the person submitting the report requests it.
Board: this is referring to "level 1" leaders. These are fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future.
Stakeholders: This refers to leaders who are influential and financially invested in the organation and might include board memebrs, previous board members, significant odnors, and those deeply committed to the mission and vision.
Staff/Volunteers: This referes to "level 2" leaders who care for the day-to-day operations of the church or nonprofit.
The next section is meant to reflect your perceptions of the organization as a whole. Please respond accordingly.
Once you're ready, proceed to the next page.