Disclaimer: I hereby certify that the information provided in this form is complete, true, and correct. By submitting personal information, I consent to its collection, storage, and use as part of Sweetgrass First Nation's Agriculture Benefits engagement process. Furthermore, I hereby release and hold harmless Sweetgrass First Nation and its agents from any liability associated with inaccurate information provided herein or data breaches.
Sweetgrass First Nation is committed to safeguarding your data and will only use it for the purposes outlined at the time of collection. Data security is a priority and any information you share is held in strict confidence by Sweetgrass First Nation and its data collection team. Preferred method of information gathering is online and if you have any concerns, or require assistance please phone or text the Agriculture Benefits representative at 306-480-4866 or email agbenefits@sweetgrassfirstnation.ca to discuss alternatives.