- Please contact JJ Nazzaro jnazzaro@dioceseofspokane.org with any questions.
- Cost is $30. Scholarships are available.
- Payment can be made online at https://stmaryspokane.org/give (make sure to set the Donation Designation to "Youth - Special Events" OR made via check/cash to St. Mary Catholic Church.
- We will cap the retreat at 25 people so don't wait to sign up!
Saturday, October 12th
7:45am Breakfast - Light breakfast options (yogurt, muffins, fruit) at St. Mary Youth Center.
8:15am Depart - from St. Mary.
10am Hike - Kamiak Butte (bring water! And snacks if desired).
1pm Lunch - Lumberyard (Pullman – 4 restaurant options in one building)
3pm Depart - to Uniontown
4pm Mass - St. Boniface, Uniontown.
5:30pm Dinner - Fazzari’s Finest Pizza (ranked top 10 pizza places by buzzfeed.com)
7pm Depart - to Holy Family Catholic Church, Clarkston. (Staying at their church in the main hall).
Sunday, October 13th
8am Breakfast and Depart - to Eggleston Residence (awesome Catholic family down in Clarkston who graciously is hosting us Sunday morning on their property - cornhole, volleyball, and other games)
11:30am Depart - to Lewiston for Lunch (several fast food options)
1pm Depart - to St. Mary
3pm Arrive - at St. Mary
Packing List
Pillow and Sleeping Bag
*Air mattresses and other ways to make the floor more comfortable are welcome and encouraged! Envision a lightly carpeted parish hall floor.*
Appropriate clothing and shoes for all the activities (Mass, Hiking/Playing outside, Indoor games in the evening).
Bible, Journal, Rosary, etc.
Card games, board games, other fun group games.
Other details
Please plan for the weather and be ready to meet new people as our group will be from a variety of places!