Location: Truckee Airport - EAA Building
Uniforms: None. Get ready to get dirty!
Date: Saturday, September 14, 2024
Time: Noon-2 PM
Cadets and senior members, help us give N550CP a much-needed bath. The US Air Force requires us to wash the airplane twice each year and we have typically paid a detailer up to $750 to do the job for us. This year we've decided to do the job ourselves and put the wash money to better uses like cadet programs and some pilot proficiency training.
The squadron will provide lunch, cleaning supplies and safety equipment.
Be aware that your clothes may get oil on them so wear something you're not terribly attached to. Cadets who are volunteering at the EAA event in the morning should wear ABUs for Young Eagles and bring plane washing clothes with you.
Please sign up so we know how much Raley's pizza to order.