2025 Time & Talent - Serve Our Church in Other Ways
United Church of Christ in New Brighton
Service on Committees/Teams
70. Serve on, or assist, Adult Education Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
71. Serve on, or assist, Education and Faith Formation Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
380. Serve on, or assist, Deacons.
Service on Committees/Teams.
381. Serve on, or assist, Fellowship Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
382. Serve on, or assist, Membership & Engagement Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
383. Serve on, or assist, Technology and Social Media Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
384. Serve on, or assist, Social Justice and Outreach Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
385. Serve on, or assist, Continuing Stewardship Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
386. Serve on, or assist, Property Management Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
387. Serve on Personnel Committee
Service on Committees/Teams
388. Serve on Ministerial Relations Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
390. Serve on a Planned Giving Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
391. Serve on, or assist, Eco Justice Team.
Service on Committees/Teams
392. Serve on Anti-Racism Team.
Service on Committees/Teams
393. Serve on Just Peace Team.
Service on Committees/Teams
394. Serve as Church Historian
Service on Committees/Teams
395. Attend lay leadership training opportunities (toward committee involvement and leadership).
Service on Committees/Teams
396. Serve on Open and Affirming (ONA) Team.
Service on Committees/Teams
398. Serve on, or assist, Special Fundraising Committee.
Service on Committees/Teams
399. Serve on Community Night Program Planning Team.
Service on Committees/Teams
405. Serve as Finance-At-Large Member.
Service on Committees/Teams
406. Serve as Assistant Financial Secretary.
Service in Elected Council Offices
400. Chair
Service in Elected Council Offices
401. Vice Chair
Service in Elected Council Offices
402. Secretary
Service in Elected Council Offices
403. Treasurer
Service in Elected Council Offices
404. Lead Financial Secretary
Occasional Office Secretarial Help
430. Serve as weekday office volunteer, as needed.
Occasional Office Secretarial Help
431. Do clerical jobs, such as labeling and stuffing envelopes, at home.
Occasional Office Secretarial Help
432. Do non-typing clerical jobs at church.
Occasional Office Secretarial Help
433. Use computer to help with secretarial work.
Occasional Office Secretarial Help
434. Schedule (by phone or email) volunteers.
Occasional Office Secretarial Help
435. Help assemble Direction newsletter (one morning per month).
Occasional Office Secretarial Help
436. Assist with Stewardship mailings.
Occassional Office Secretarial Help
441. Computer troubleshooting
441. Social media
441. Video recording
441. Other
441. If other, please explain:
442. Check skills you are willing to share at church:
Basic Electrical
Basic Plumbing
Basic Carpentry
Snow shoveling (entryways and steps before worship and special events)
If Other, please explain:
443. General handy person
Share power tools
Use of pickup/trailer
Share Maintenance Skills and Time
444. Serve as volunteer substitute custodian on occasion.
Share Maintenance Skills and Time
445. Serve as volunteer for short-term (less than four hours) workday-type project.
Share Maintenance Skills and Time
446. Help with spring and/or fall workday projects.
448. Assist with new area by the lake:
Clear, remove, or plant trees
Plant shrubs and flowers
Put down mulch and compost
Share Maintenance Skills and Time
449. Mow lawns
Share Maintenance Skills and Time
450. Serve as project manager on specific projects.
Several Support Opportunities
451. Do kitchen/fellowship hall cleanup.
Several Support Opportunities
452. Help publicize church events.
Several Support Opportunities
453. Decorate tables for fellowship hall dinners.
Several Support Opportunities
455. I'm adventuresome! When there's a need, ask me. (For "generalists," not "specialists.")
456. Are there any other ways in which you would like to serve within or on behalf of your church? If so, please indicate here:
Several Support Opportunities
457. Assist with grant writing
Member-in-Discernment Support
460. Participate in a group discernment conversation with a member considering ordination in the UCC.
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Last Name
Phone Number
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