3 Ranges CCC Dannevirke Challenge 15th, 16th February 2025
One Challenge over two days
232 Otaria Road, Dannevirke
Saturday 15th of February
Sunday 16th of February
8am (Sharp) Course walk.
Please note there will be 3 course walks at the same time.
Lead Rein
Youth, Rookie, Intermediate and Open
9 am Challenge Starts
Please note which class starts and the order of classes going over the course will depend on numbers per class. Round two will be started on day one if time allows to make time for the Provicnial Challenge on day two. Depending on numbers there may only be 1 round for both Lead Rein and Beginners
8 am Course walk.
9 am Challenge starts
1 pm Provincial Challenge
4 pm (approx) Ribbon and Cup presentations
Plenty of room for floats and warm up area.
Toilets on site. Please note water is available horse drinking water and washing, please bring your own drinking water.
Warm up area: A flat area of grass will be available
Yard policy: Horses will need to be either tied up to the horse float or penned. if penned please bring your own tape, standards and unit, and set up in the allocated area. If you don't have these items, please let us know. The area has short grass, so please bring feed/hay.
Helmet policy: Helmets must be worn if 18 years and under and anyone riding a green horse. Event oranisers reserve the right to request a rider wear a helment
Rubbish & Horse poo: Take your rubbish away with you. Put all horse poo in allocated areas.
Camping: Available Friday and Saturday night. $5 per night, select options on entry form.
Spectators welcome, strictly no dogs allowed.
**Registration closes Sunday 9th of February**
Any queries contact 3rangescc@gmail.com or Garry Wills on 0274587900
The 3 Ranges Cowboy Challenge Club Inc are looking forward to seeing you there