Confirmation is a public response to out Baptism. Meaning it's about commitment - not just during confirmation but as we walk with Christ within our church community. Confirmation is an experience about commitment while making
Expectations Iwill participate in at least 10 youth formation and /or EYC meetings by March 23. Iwill sign up and participate in one of the clergy lunch on Oct. 20. Iwill turn in my Covenant Form AND Diocesan Info Form by Oct. 20. Iwill need a mentor that is a St. Paul's church member. If I can't find one, I understand that the church will help me find one before Dec. 1.
I will plan on being at all 5 Reflection classes AND have prepared by watching the videos and conduction the reflections ahead of time (Due a week before
Iunderstand that all the dates for the classes have been given to me in Sept/Oct of 2024 Iunderstand that I can miss 1 class but will need to email Nick to let him know (not my parents! If I miss a reflection class, I still need to watch the videos and turn in a reflection. Iunderstand that if I miss more than 2 classes, I will have to meet with the Rector to discuss how and when I will be able to be confirmed.
Other Mandatory Experiences I understand that there are other Mandatory Experiences I must participate in.
Confirmation Sunday - April 6, 2025 Iwill be present on Confirmation Sunday for the rehearsal and the 10am service.
Please know that communication is key. We are always willing to help under certain circumstances and we are rooting for you!
We enter into this covenant and will support each other in this mentoring process through participation and prayer.