1. I agree to attend the minimum amount of ballet technique class hours weekly according to my level as stated below and as appropriate to my agreement.
- Pre Ballet 3 - 45 min of ballet class per week
- Ballet 1 - 1.0 hour of ballet class per week
- Ballet 1x - 2.0 hours of ballet class per week
- Ballet 2 - 2.5 hours of ballet class per week
- Older Beginner: 2.00 hours of ballet class per week
- Ballet 2x -3.0 hours of ballet class per week
- Ballet 3 – 4.5 hours of ballet class per week
- Ballet 3x- 5.0 hours of ballet class per week
- Ballet 4 – 6.0 hours of ballet class per week
- Ballet 4x – 7.5 hours of ballet class per week
- Ballet 5 – 9.0 hours of ballet class per week
- Ballet 5x – 10.0 hours of ballet class per week
- Ballet 6 – 12.0 hours of ballet class per week
2. I agree to attend all rehearsals called, on time, warm and prepared to dance.
3. . I agree to not miss more than two rehearsals for each production.
4. I agree to notify in writing all known obligations that will prohibit me from attending rehearsals, and verbally remind faculty of my absence in the days prior.
5. I agree to maintain my grades at school at the level agreed with my family.
6. I agree to attend and/or participate in all company group activities in regards to fundraising, outreach, and other company group functions.
7. I agree to maintain appropriate conduct on and off the premises of PDT.
8. I agree to accept all casting decisions.
9. If I am cast as an understudy, I will be at all rehearsals and will know all the choreography for that section of the ballet.
10. I will maintain proper etiquette for class and rehearsal.
11. I will not use drugs or alcohol.
This agreement is written in good faith between the dancer and Philadelphia Dance Theatre. By signing this agreement, you are agreeing to uphold all the policies stated in the Philadelphia Dance Theatre Handbook as well as the list of agreements above. The policies stated in this agreement are binding and any individual who does not abide by this agreement will be immediately excused from the cast of Philadelphia Dance Theatre’s production.
I agree to the terms of this agreement and I have read and understand PDT’s Handbook.