Pickleball Childcare Interest List
We would love to offer a time of pickleball with childcare provided. To determine interest, including the total number of children and ages, please fill out the info below.
Location: PHBC Gym (CAC)
The purpose of recreation ministry at PHBC or the use of the Christian Activities Center is as follows:
1) To be utilized as an avenue for people to connect more fully with each other as they grow in Christ.
2) To be used as an opportunity to invite a friend, especially those without a church home, into a welcoming and fun environment. As relationships develop, the hope would be for the individual to join us at Park Hill, becoming a follower of Christ.
3) Strengthen, support and complement existing church program organizations
Sports like music, strike a universal cord with people.
Thank you in advance for your input below.
Questions? Christine 615-812-6256 or christinedewbre@comcast.net