If the application is submitted AFTER July 1, the fees and application will be applied towards the following calendar year so your puppy buyers can benefit from a full year of newsletters, etc. There is no prorated fee or membership for breeders' puppy buyers.
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be age 18 or older and also be eligible to be members of the Canadian Kennel Club.
COLLECTION & USE OF INFORMATION: The VSO requires names and contact information of your puppy buyers in order to conduct club business. This information will be published and reviewed in accordance with Clause 8 of the VSO Bylaws as well as in the membership directory. Please include both email addresses and telephone numbers.
FEES: The fee is $20 per membership regardless of whether single or family. Please indicate the number of memberships being purchased and the total amount due. For each INTERNATIONAL resident, include a $10 Postal Surcharge to cover the increased cost of mailing newsletters to the US / abroad.