Program Guidelines:
1. Unapproved absences from One Eighty without notice will convey that the resident no longer resides at the One
Eighty facility. He/She will have 48 hours to pick up all belongings and money.
2. Applicants must disclose all current or past legal problems, upcoming court dates, charges, court fines, legal fees, parole rules and probation rules, DHS involvement, custodial agreements. Residents must be willing to sign releases of information for all external agencies as well.
3. At entry, all personal belongings will go through inspection. We will conduct random room, personal, and belonging inspections at our discretion.
4. Our residents are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
House Rules:
5. Utilities should not be wasted.
6. If the smoke alarm goes off, residents will vacate the building and go to the designated area.
7. All food is stored in the kitchen or pantry. Do not take anyone’s food without asking.
8. Residents will clean up after themselves and their children.
9. Stealing will not be tolerated at One Eighty. Residents must keep all personal belongings in their rooms.
10. Smoking is allowed in the outside smoking areas, and all cigarette butts shall be put in a can.
11. Bedrooms are off limits during the daytime except for occasional approval from staff when sickness is involved.
12. Each day residents will be attending classes that will help them to lay a spiritual foundation. They will attend all classes and outings on time.
13. Residents must dress appropriately for the occasion.
Drug and other substance use/Intoxication:
14. No alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia will be allowed. If a resident is under suspicion of drug use, he/she will be tested. A positive test could result in probation or termination of the program.
15. Random drug and alcohol screenings will be conducted throughout the year.
16. Random personal searches will be conducted when residents return to the house from various outings.
17. All residents agree not to participate in the use of or have the possession of any intoxicants, illegal drugs, prescription drugs not prescribed to that resident and other substances deemed off limits such as but not limited to CBD, Kratom, inhalants, Kava, diet pills, etc. Gambling is also not allowed.
18. All medication, prescription, and over the counter medications including Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc. are to be counted and documented at the time of entry or when a resident receives the medication. They will be made available daily.
19. Medications will be locked up and resident’s weekly amounts will be filled once a week. Medications that are controlled substances may be locked up and dispensed once per day or as prescribed. No medications are to be shared.
20. On the intake, all applicants must provide a complete list of all medications. They are required to disclose all medical problems. Staff must be informed of any changes in medical conditions and medications by the physicians. Residents must be willing to sign a Release of Information form.
Weekend Visits and Passes:
21. In Phase 1, family visitation time will be on Saturdays and Sundays located on One Eighty Campus or Women’s Home. In Phase 2 the residents may leave the facility on a weekend for 3-4 hours with someone who has been approved by the supervisor.
22. During Phase 1 and Phase 2, residents will not be allowed to leave One Eighty property unless they are accompanied by a mentor, approved family member or assigned accountability partner. During this time no unplanned stops or non-approved phone calls are allowed.
23. During Assessment Phase through Phase 2, residents will not be allowed to leave the facility overnight unless special pre- approval has been given.
24. In Phase 3 and if the resident has a cell phone with the Life 360 app, the resident may leave the property
overnight, three nights per month and be with a pre-approved accountability person for up to 8 hours on Saturday or Sunday. All requests for departures must be turned in for approval in advance. However, all visits/passes must be approved and are at the staff’s discretion.
25. In Phase 4, residents are also allowed overnight passes each weekend (Friday-Sunday) as long as they attend church on Sunday. The only exception is if all One Eighty residents are invited to attend a special service or church together.
26. Friday evenings are reserved for One Eighty Family Nights. This includes dinners, guest speakers, prayer nights, graduations, and special events. No passes are approved during this time if an event is scheduled.
27. All visits and passes are given at the discretion of the staff and special circumstances may allow for an increase or decrease in visits or passes.
28. We encourage involvement of parent and children however children are not permitted to live on at any of the residential recovery program houses.
29. Children are the sole responsibility of the parent while on One Eighty properties.
30. It is not One Eighty’s duty to transport kids to and from church or our facilities. Residents may need to schedule their own approved transportation of children.
Financial Information:
31. The Assessment Phase and Phase 1 of the program are completely free, unless residents have income (which is any source of money other than a monetary gift for birthday or Christmas, such as unemployment or disability). Once work is found, residents are required to follow through with a budget plan so that their resources are being used wisely.
32. 30% of all income will be paid to One Eighty for rent with a $375.00 cap per person per month, 20% for personal spending, 10% to the Church, and 40% savings. (Personal hygiene and other items including laundry supplies are the residents’ responsibility once they have income.)
33. All banking account information will be disclosed to One Eighty.
34. Residents may not purchase items such as lottery tickets, Kratom, marijuana or any items that do not comply with One Eighty standards of conduct.
35. All phone calls may be monitored during Assessment Phase.
36. No personal cell phones are allowed in Assessment Phase through Phase 2. A cell phone is allowed beginning in Phase 3 if the resident has the means to pay for it. The phones will still be monitored by One Eighty staff and residents must adhere to all rules.
37. Residents are not allowed on any social media or dating sites, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok Snapchat, WhatsApp, TextNow, and any other app considered to be social media. You need to disclose passwords to email accounts to supervisors for accountability.
38. Also, residents are required to be added to our GPS (Life360) and keep the app on at all times so that we can see where individuals are at for safety and accountability.
39. Residents cannot use other resident’s cell phones at any time.
40. Each resident will be assigned daily chores, which rotate weekly and are listed on a posted schedule. Employed residents must complete their assigned chores before leaving for work each morning. Each person will also have an assigned laundry day.
One Eighty provides essentials, including a bed, bedding, towels, clothing, and personal hygiene items. Other shared household items are available, and clothing donations can be provided if needed. Staff help supervise and uphold these routines to create a supportive, family-like home environment for all residents.
At One Eighty, we recognize that relationships can play a vital role in personal growth and recovery. Our policy allows for relationships under certain circumstances, ensuring they align with the values and commitments of the program. Residents entering the program with an existing relationship (married, dating, or engaged) will receive guidance and support from the Develop Team to foster a healthy and supportive partnership.
If individuals have concerns about the operations of One Eighty, they should talk to the One Eighty house supervisor or bring it to the monthly forum. The concerns will be passed onto the appropriate leader/staff. They will be taken under further review. These concerns should not be discussed with other people, either inside or outside the ministry. The residents are also provided with a number for the Board of Directors where they may leave a message about any concerns they have. This number is posted in the houses and around campus.
**All One Eighty policies, guidelines, and expectations are under constant review, this means a resident coming into the program may experience changes during their stay at One Eighty without prior notice by the leadership of this program. These rules and regulations may be slightly different for certain individuals for specific reasons. **