I, First Name Last Name , give permission for my child, First Name Last Name , to attend the 2024 Pride Student Summit and be transported to Delaware Technical Community College in Dover, DE by United Way of Delaware on November 9, 2024. I release and hold harmless United Way of Delaware, its employees, contractors, volunteers, and associates, past or future, fully and completely, from all liability and mishap or injury to the student named herein from the time of departure to the time of return. I authorize the staff and/or volunteer to administer emergency medical assistance if I cannot be reached. Emergency Contact First Name Emergency Contact Last Name Area Code Phone Number Signature
I, First Name* Last Name* hereby give to United Way of Delaware, it's partners, affiliates, contractors and volunteers, the absolute and irrevocable right and permission with respect to the photographs that he/she has taken of myself and/or my minor child in which he/she may be included with others:a) To copyright the same in the photographs in United Way of Delaware, it'spartners, affiliates, contractors and volunteers or any other name that theymay select;b) To use, re-use, publish and re-publish the same in whole or in part, separatelyor in conjunction with other photographs, in any medium now or hereafter known,and for any purpose whatsoever, including (but not by way of limitation)illustration, promotion, advertising and trade, and;I, hereby release and discharge United Way of Delaware, it's partners, affiliates,contractors and volunteers from all and any claims and demands ensuing from orin connection with the use of the photographs, including any and all claims forlibel and invasion of privacy.United Way of Delaware, it's partners, affiliates, contractors and volunteers are not responsible for any injuries inflicted upon any participating parties.Client(s) will be responsible for their children and for themselves and releasephotographer from any claims against their person or their business.Signature, if over 18 years of age Parent Signature if under 18 years of age