Welcome to Platfform
Please can you complete this form, ideally with the young person, so we can find out a little more about them and what support they are looking for. This should take about 5 - 10 minutes.
If you have any questions then please feel free to reach out by phone or email.
All the important stuff you need to know about Platfform
It is important that you know that any information you provide us with will be kept safely and securely. You can change your mind about being in our database at any time by emailing us. We’ll then dispose of any information we hold about you.
How do we keep your information?
We will keep your information on a secure database and a case management IT system. Only lead counsellors who work for Platfform will have access to this information if they need it to provide a service to you. Your information is kept confidential and will be destroyed safely when it is no longer needed. You have a right to view the information we hold about you and can request this by contacting the our team on swanseasbc@platfform.org
How do we use your information?
We use your information to help us carry out our role of supporting you and your wellbeing. We also produce reports to our funders and our evaluation partners about the work we do and the young people we work with. When we produce reports, your information will be anonymised, which means that you won’t be identifiable, so they won’t know who you are.
We will use feedback that you give us to help improve our own service or other services for young people in Wales. We sometimes use anonymised quotes or work that young people have produced as examples of the work we are doing and may share these during workshops and presentations.
Keeping you safe
In rare situations, we may need to share information about you with another service if we have a serious concern about your safety and wellbeing. Whenever possible, we will discuss this with you first, as long as this does not put you in any further danger.
You have a right to withdraw your consent for us to process your information at any time by emailing swanseasbc@platfform.org or by talking to our head office. You have a right to make a complaint about how your information has been processed by us. You would make this complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) found here: ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint