Background: The applicant should have, or have the means to establish, meaningful partnerships with other education, training and social service resources in the community. Career Pathways and/or Integrated Education and Training (IET) activities provide opportunities for educational and career advancement.
Federal Consideration #8: Whether the eligible provider’s activities provide learning in context, including through integrated education and training, so that an individual acquires the skills needed to transition to and complete postsecondary education and training programs, obtain and advance in employment leading to economic self- sufficiency, and to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
Federal Consideration #10: Whether the eligible provider coordinates with other available education, training, and social service resources in the community, such as by establishing strong links with elementary schools and secondary schools, postsecondary educational institutions, institutions of higher education, Local WDBs, one-stop centers, job training programs, and social service agencies, business, industry, labor organizations, community-based organizations, nonprofit organizations, and intermediaries, in the development of career pathways.
Career Pathway(s) as defined in WIOA Sec. 3(7) is a combination of rigorous and high- quality education, and training services that:
- aligns with skill needs of industries in the state or regional economy;
- prepares an individual to succeed in secondary or postsecondary education options;
- includes counseling to support the individual’s education and career goals;
- includes education offered concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation and training in specific occupation or occupational cluster;
- organizes education, training and other services to support the particular needs of an individual to accelerate their educational and career advancement;
- enables an individual to attain a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; and
- helps an individual enter or advance within a specific occupation or occupational cluster.
IET is a service approach that must be a part of a career pathway and support the Local and State Workforce Development Board Plans. An IET provides adult education and literacy concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement. An IET must include the following three components: 1) Adult Education and Literacy activities; 2) Workforce Preparation activities; and 3) Workforce Training.
Each applicant will be required to evaluate and review their programmatic data, current and potential student training and career goals, relationships with local Workforce offices and programs, and business and industry partnerships to establish new or improve existing IET and/or career pathways that are both beneficial and appropriate for the populations currently or to be served.