I/We hereby accept the responsibilities for keeping our school grounds, hereinafter referred to as the Litter Free School Zone, litter free. This understanding is made with Keep Ohio Beautiful upon agreement of the terms listed below:
You Agree To:
1. To check the school grounds a minimum of twice a year and remove litter.
2. To report the date of each cleanup completed, number of participants and hours, and amount and type of litter collected to the Keep Ohio Beautiful office after each cleanup: - Litter Free School Zone Program page - Litter Free School Zone Report Form.
3. To promote, organize, and implement any school events as litter free events.
4. To report LFSZ activities in school publications, bulletin boards, websites, etc.
5. To make safety a top priority.
6. To communicate with Keep Ohio Beautiful in the event that the school wishes to terminate the program or if it becomes inactive.
Keep Ohio Beautiful agrees:
1. To coordinate the adoption with the school contact indicated on this form.
2. To provide a sign for your school designating it as a litter free zone.
3. To publicize your school’s involvement through our newsletter, news releases, and the website.
4. To reserve the right to revoke or refuse an adoption.