I, as the legal guardian of the student(s) named above, give him(them) permission to attend HCTP programs and participate in any related activities. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the programs and transportation (if any), and do further hereby release, absolve and hold harmless HCTP and Hanaim Church and its trustees, officers, directors, teachers, volunteers, staff in case of any incidents or injuries that may occur in relation to the camp and the students above. In the event of an emergency and all the guardians are not available, I give permission for the director or medical coordinator to give authorization for medical treatment. I hereby consent to the participation in interviews, the use of quotes, and the taking of photographs, movies or videos of the student(s) registered above for publicity purposes. I understand that HCTP reserves the right to cancel or change its courses, programs, services, or schedule due to lack of enrollment or other necessary reasons.
By e-signing my name below, I, hereby, authorize and accept all of the information above to be true.