請提供你打算分享書籍嘅資料 Please provide the information of the book you may share with us:
請提供 Please provide
書名 Book name
作者 Author
頁數 (如有)
Number of page (if available)
國際書號 (如有)
ISBN (if available)
語言 Language
(Please specify if it is in
Simplified Chinese)
書籍重量 (請提供準確資料) Weight of your book (Please provide accurate information):
少於 Less than 200克 g
200 - 449 克 g
450 - 699 克 g
700 克 g - 2.0 公斤 kg
書籍尺吋是否超過35x25x2.3厘米?(請提供準確資料) Does the size of the book exceed 35x25x2.3cm? (Please provide accurate information)
係 Yes
唔係 No
請上傳你書籍嘅封面、封底、版權頁和目錄 Please upload the cover, back cover, copyright page and table of contents of your book
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請提供你嘅聯絡資料 Please provide your contact information :
請提供 Please provide
姓名 Name
電郵 Email
電話 Phone
您希望喺我嘅平台上就你分享嘅書籍透露您姓名嗎?Would you like to show your name on our platform for the book you contributed?
願意 Yes
唔願意 No
如果願意,請問你希望喺我哋平台上顯示咩名字? If yes, what name would you like to show?
書籍現時係唔係已處於英國? Is the book in the UK right now?
係 Yes
唔係 No
如閣下嘅書籍被借出後,閣下需要將書籍寄俾借閱者。請問你是否願意協助我哋支付一次寄俾借閱者的運費?If your book is lent out, you will be asked to post your book to the borrower. Would you be willing to help us by bearing the one-time postage of sending the book to borrower?
願意 Yes
唔願意 No
請確認你同意頁底嘅使用條款 Please confirm you agree with the terms of use as stated at the bottom of the page :
同意 Yes
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