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Tax Acknowledgement Letters
As with all nonprofits in Colorado, Rocky Mountain Public Media must send donation acknowledgment letters by January 31 each year to comply with IRS guidelines. The letters include donor names, contribution dates/details, and information regarding goods or services and related good faith estimates/fair market value(s). Please note for one-time donations, the thank you letter you received after your donation was made does act as your tax acknowledgement letter for that donation. Monthly or sustaining donations are added up at the end of the calendar year and are sent by January 31, per IRS guidelines. While inquiring about your tax acknowledgement letter, please consider that yours may have already been sent or may be in process. That said, should you need a replacement for any reason we will happily provide one! Respectfully, our ask is that you make your request only once, as multiple messages only add to the volume/backlog of similar requests that our staff and volunteers must work through during this busy time of year. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we certainly thank you for your generous support!
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