1. Respect and Consent: Respect the boundaries, privacy, and personal space of others. Obtain consent before touching or engaging in any physical contact.
2. Confidentiality: Maintain confidentiality regarding personal experiences shared during the ceremony. Do not disclose or discuss the experiences of others without their explicit permission.
3. Non-Judgment: Refrain from judging or criticizing the experiences, beliefs, or emotions of fellow participants. Everyone's journey is unique, and it's important to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment.
4. Safety: Prioritize safety at all times. Follow the instructions provided by the facilitators and guides. If you feel physically or emotionally overwhelmed, seek assistance from the facilitators immediately.
5. Sobriety: Abstain from alcohol, recreational drugs, and any substances that may interfere with the ayahuasca experience. Follow any dietary restrictions or guidelines provided by the retreat organizers.
6. Ceremony Etiquette: Maintain a respectful and quiet atmosphere during the ceremony. Refrain from unnecessary talking, loud noises, or disruptive behavior that may disturb others' experiences.
7. Ceremony Preparation: Follow any pre-ceremony guidelines provided by the retreat organizers, such as avoiding certain foods or medications. Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the ceremony, respecting the sacredness of ceremony experience.
8. Integration: Understand that the real work begins after the ceremony. Respect the integration process by allowing yourself time and space to reflect on and integrate your experiences. Seek support and guidance from facilitators or appropriate professionals if needed.
9. Environmental Supervision: Respect the natural surroundings of the retreat center or ceremonial space. Minimize your impact on the environment by disposing of waste properly and following any eco-friendly guidelines provided.
10. Personal Responsibility: Take responsibility for your own well-being and experiences. Understand that participating in a ceremony is a personal choice, and you are responsible for your own decisions and actions.
Please note that these guidelines are general suggestions and may vary depending on the specific retreat center or facilitators. It's always important to familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines provided by the organizers of the Sacred Plant Medicine retreat you plan to attend.