2024 Northern NM Toy Drive
Partner/Sponsor Registration Form
Business/Organization Name
Primary Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Business/Organization Mailing Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
How are you interested in participating in this year's toy drive? Check all that apply.
Sponsorship: Monetary Donation ($500+ gets your logo added to all promotional materials)
Partner: Toy Drop-off Location (we will provide the collection boxes)
Partner: Host an event that benefits the toy drive (holiday party where guests are encouraged to bring toys, etc)
Partner: Giving Tree in DeVargas Center (tree that advertises your business/organization)
Partner: Volunteer time (deliveries, drop offs, etc)
Partner: Toy storage (do you have space where toys could be stored for staging/organizing?)
Partner: Donation to Silent Auction for Ugly Sweater Party (Dec 6, 2024)
Please write any comments or questions in this space. If you know the event that you would like to organize on behalf of the toy drive OR that you would like the toy drive to show up for, please note that in the space below.
Should be Empty: