Cabarrus Weekly Subscriber Survey
Looking to make our content perfect for you.
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Did you dine or shop someplace you hadn't before because you heard about it in the Cabarrus Weekly? If so, where?
My first click when I receive the Cabarrus Weekly is... (drag to rank items)
How do you read Cabarrus Weekly?
I skim for basic content to stay "in the know".
I "read more" for articles that interest me.
I'm here for the Weekend Live only.
I read the entire newsletter and each article.
What would you like to see more of in the newsletter/website?
What would you like to see less of in the newsletter/website?
What do you think about the amount of content in each newsletter?
Please Select
Just the right amount.
Way too much content to consume.
Would like even more content.
Provide a testimonial about what you like (or love) about Cabarrus Weekly.
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