Pack Adventure Form
Venus and Mars K9
Client Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Dog's Name
Dog's Breed
Dog's Age
Do you have a strong preference for every other week, weekly, or twice weekly Pack Adventures?
Every other week
Twice weekly
Do you have a strong preference for day(s) of the week?
I'm flexible
Behavior History
How many other dogs has your dog met (direct greeting, nose-to-nose/butt sniffing, playing, etc.) in their entire life?
Only the dogs they live with
When's the last time your dog has met (direct greeting, nose-to-nose/butt sniffing, playing, etc.) another dog?
Describe your dog’s feelings about other dogs in general. What types and personalities does your dog best get along with? What types and personalities does your dog NOT get along with?
What has your dog resource guarded from other dogs before?
I don't know what this means
High value consumables (bones, rawhides)
Food bowls
Someone feeding another dog a treat
Their doggy friends/playmates
Has your dog ever been in a fight with another dog? Please describe the scenario(s) as best as you can. Specify any injuries to people or other dogs.
Does your dog have any body handling issues, particularly with new people?
Yes but they have NOT ever bitten anyone
Yes and they HAVE bitten someone
Having a collar/harness taken on/off
Having feet touched
Being restrained
Being picked up
Being grabbed when they are excited/reactive
Any other behavioral quirks you care to share?
Your dog's participation in Pack Adventures is contingent on your honesty and transparency in this history form.
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Terms and Conditions
"I know we're all desensitized to signing off on terms and conditions, but these ones are actually important. I've only included terms that truly matter and affect the way your dog is cared for by me. Please actually really read this. Thank you!" -Cori
Cori has been working with dogs for about 8 years, and they have never had a dog get loose and run away from them. They are extremely vigilant about the dogs in their care. That being said, due to the nature of Pack Adventures, if your dog is a regular for this service, Cori highly recommends you purchase some kind of GPS tracking collar or tag for your dog.
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Dogs at Pack Adventure must be wearing well-fitted gear that they cannot slip out of. Please ask Cori if you have any questions about your dog’s gear. You may see your dog wearing new back-up gear, slip collars, etc. if Cori has any doubt about their ability to control your dog or keep them in their gear.
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Cori recommends your dog be on heartworm preventative, as well as flea and tick preventative. If your dog is a regular, Cori recommends spraying them with natural flea & tick spray before Pack Adventures.
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I understand that my dog's updated vaccine records must be sent to before my dog participates in Pack Adventures.
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I agree to not bring my dog to any in-person services with Venus and Mars K9 if they are displaying signs of illness such as repeated vomiting, repeated diarrhea, coughing, lethargy, discharge from eyes or nose, etc. I agree and understand that all dogs participating in any Venus and Mars K9 LLC service must be free of any infectious disease and are current on all appropriate vaccinations, including bordetella, distemper, parvovirus, and rabies.
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I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for any and all harm, damage, and/or injury caused by my pet(s), including injury to persons, other pets and damage to property. I understand that Venus and Mars K9 LLC will exercise all due diligence and care in the guardianship of my pet(s). I hereby waive and release Venus and Mars K9 and its employees, officers, volunteers, and agents from liability of any nature for injury or damage, and I expressly assume the risk of such injury or damage while my pet(s) is in the care of Venus and Mars K9 LLC.
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Signature of agreement to the above terms and conditions.
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