佛光山開山星雲大師開示:「阿彌陀佛」代表無量光、無量壽、成就一切無量功德。適逢彌陀聖誕,佛光山達拉斯講堂將於12月22日 (日)舉辦念佛一永日彌陀法會,以此功德祝禱人人自心和悅、家庭和順、人我和敬、社會和諧、世界和平,回向過往親人及歷代祖先,同生佛國淨土,蓮品增上。
Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Fo Guang Shan, interprets “Amitabha Buddha” as infinite light, infinite life, and accomplishment of all immeasurable merits and virtues. We are very glad to announce that IBPS Dallas will conduct Amitabha Buddha Dharma Service on December 22th (Sunday) to commemorate Amitabha Buddha’s Birthday. The merits of this service will be dedicated to the Five Harmonies—individual harmony, interpersonal harmony, family harmony, social harmony, and world harmony. In addition, merits will also be dedicated to the deceased relatives and ancestors to be born in the Pure Land.
7:30am, 10:30am, 1:30pm, 2:30pm, 3:30pm (五支香)
1. 彌陀48願發願人$50- 陽上發願人個別登記 Amitabha 48 vows $50 per living name
2. 往生西方願主$50 - 往者發願需個別登記,不合并 (如祖先,父母. 不寫十方法界及地基主) Vow to be born in Amitabha’s Pure Land $50 per departed name, exclude Ten directions and Foundation.
3. 供齋/供花果 Food/ Flower & Fruit Offerings