Marina Bixler (Wolf House 2022) *new
Hello, my name is Marina Bixler (she/her) and I am a University of Florida alum who worked during the summer of 2022 in the Bay Area, allowing me to become eligible to live in Wolf House. Currently, I am in the process of applying to post-bachelor pre-medical programs in the US, given that I have a degree in political science but now foresee myself down a medically related path. I would love to be a part of BSCAA board to stay in touch with the co-op community and to help encourage current co-op members to participate in leadership positions, activist groups, and forms of volunteering. I also appreciate how much this community helped me during a time that I felt stuck, not being able to find housing or build a community outside of my job; however, Wolf house became my community to my surprise. As a board member, I would hope to continue to maintain BSCAA’s reputation and help in whatever aspect is needed for the non-profit, whether this means volunteering at events, talking to members, or participating in fun activities! I’m looking forward to learning more about this community. Thanks so much.