Behavioral Consultation Referral Form
Request Submitted By:
Phone Number:
Please enter a valid phone number.
Associated Special Education Administrator/Coordinator:
GCSEC Coordinator, District Coordinator, etc.
Reason for Request:
Request for Consultation and Programming Suggestions
Request for FBA/BIP Review
Request for Data Collection Review
Request for Training
Request for Resources:
Suggested/Preferred Observation Time:
i.e., time of day, day of the week, class, etc.
Teacher(s) Name(s) & Contact Email (to set up interview and observation times)
Student Specific Information
Student Name:
First Name
Last Name
Student Age:
Student Grade:
Does this student have an IEP/504?
Is this part of a domain/eligibility?
If yes to domain/eligibility, when is the meeting date?
Current Student Eligibility:
Related Services / MPW:
Current Placement:
Previous Placements:
Recent IEP Date:
Most Recent FBA/BIP Date:
Other Completed Consultations:
Current Medications:
Current Mode of Communication:
Target Behavior Specific Information
Definition of Target Behavior:
Ex: Refusal, Physical Aggression, Elopement, Self-Injury
List problematic student behaviors that have been observed
Ex: Running around the room, saying "no", throwing items, hitting, kicking, etc.
How long have the problematic behaviors been occurring?
Ex: 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, multiple months, etc.
When does behavior typically occur? Be please specific
Time of Day, Activity/Class, Transition, etc.
Approximate Frequency (Number of times occured) of Target Behavior PER DAY:
Approximate Frequency (number of times occured) of Target Behavior PER WEEK:
Typical Duration of Target Behavior (per episode):
Antecedent(s) (Triggers) to Target Behavior:
Tangible/Wants Something
Demand in 1:1 work time
Demand in natural work time / group settings
Specific person, place or time
Transition to preferred
Transition from preferred
Delay in reinforcement / waiting
"Reinforcing" condition (occurs during preferred activity/time)
Interruption of student's routine
Alone - no expectations
Sensory discomfort
Current Consequence(s) for Target Behavior:
Wait Out
Isolated Time Out
Block/Stop access to reinforcer
Calm Count
Work through / Facilitate a "calming" activity
Work through / Original task(s)
Ignore behavior, change activity
Ignore behavior, stop activity
Physical Restraint (CPI)
List all proactive interventions that are currently being implemented.
(examples: Transition Assessment, Individual (Visual) Schedules, Timers, Behavioral Momentum, Task Modified for Learner, First/Then, Task Strips, Sensory Breaks, Providing Choices, Token Economies, Expectations Reviewed, etc.)
What type of reinforcement system in place? (token chart, point sheet, work_break, etc.)
Current Reinforcers/Motivation:
Hypothesized Function of Target Behavior:
Tangible (wants access to item or activity)
Automatic / Self Stimulatory
What type of data has already been collected on this behavior? The team will ask for this to be shared upon initial interview.
Behavior Specific Information
Fill out only if additional target behavior is of concern
Definition of Target Behavior:
Ex: Refusal, Physical Aggression, Elopement, Self-Injury
List problematic student behaviors that have been observed
Ex: Running around the room, saying "no", throwing items, hitting, kicking, etc.
When does behavior typically occur?
Time of Day, Activity/Class, Transition, etc.
Approximate Frequency of Target Behavior PER DAY:
Approximate Frequency of Target Behavior PER WEEK:
Typical Duration of Target Behavior:
Antecedent(s) to Target Behavior:
Tangible/Wants Something
Demand in 1:1 work time
Demand in natural work time / group settings
Specific person, place or time
Transition to preferred
Transition from preferred
Delay in reinforcement / waiting
"Reinforcing" condition (occurs during preferred activity/time)
Interruption of student's routine
Alone - no expectations
Sensory discomfort
Current Consequence(s) for Target Behavior:
Wait Out
Isolated Time Out
Block/Stop access to reinforcer
Calm Count
Work through / Facilitate a "calming" activity
Work through / Original task(s)
Ignore behavior, change activity
Ignore behavior, stop activity
Physical Restraint (CPI)
Current Proactive Interventions in Place:
Transition Assessments
Correct ratio of reinforcement
Visual expectations
Verbal expectations
Motivation identified
Instructor paired
Environment paired
Access to mastered tasks
Behavioral momentum (80/20)
Task modified for learner
Hypothesized Function of Target Behavior:
Tangible (wants access to item or activity)
Automatic / Self Stimulatory
Should be Empty: