Please list all medications you are allergic to:
Medication: med allergy Reaction: med reaction
Please list any current medications and doses, including over-the-counter medications, birth control methods, herbs, supplements, and vitamins. Medication: medication Dosage: dosage Medication: medication Dosage: dosage Medication: medication Dosage: dosage Medication: medication Dosage: dosage Medication: medication Dosage: dosage Medication: medication Dosage: dosage
How many people have you had sex with in the last 3 months? enter number In the last 12 months? enter number
Menstrual History: Age when periods started: age When did your last period start? date Periods come every days days and last how many days days.Periods are usually: Please Select lightmoderateheavyirregular
Pregnancy History: Are you pregnant now? yes no unsure Have you ever been pregnant? yes no If yes, how many times? # Number of live births: # Number of abortions: # Number of miscarriages: # Number of ectopic: # Any problems with pregnancy or birth? yes no If yes, please describe: pregnancy/birth issues