Investigation: Civil War (Grade 5)
LILI is excited to offer "Investigation: Civil War" at Ford's Theatre where student will explore the conditions that led to the Civil War, diving into pivotal moments such as Lincoln’s presidency and assassination.
Only one form needs to be completed for your grade-level!
School Name
Teacher Name
Name of teacher completing form
Scheduling Restrictions
To ensure the best possible experience for each student, LILI will limit each site visit to 50 students. For grade levels with more than 50 students, sessions will be scheduled throughout the week.
Please select the weeks you are available. The more options you provide, the easier it will be to schedule your LILI experience!
Would your grade-level prefer AM field experiences or PM field experiences?
AM field experiences (9:15 AM - 12:00PM)
PM field experiences (12:15 PM - 3:00PM)
Either AM or PM will work for our schedule
(Optional) This LILI program is my grade-level's #1 choice for the:
Fall (October - January)
Spring (February - June)
Special Requests or Accommodations
Please share any additional information or special requests you may have regarding your LILI program, including any specific needs or considerations for your group. As well as if there have been any changes to rosters!
Preferred Weeks
Should be Empty: