Service Request Form
Thank you for your interest in working with Apex Marine. We appreciate you taking the time to completely fill out this service request form. Once your request is submitted we will be in touch within 5 business days to follow up with any questions and discuss next steps. Completing this form does not guarantee Apex Marine will service your vessel.
Customer Information
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Vessel Information
Vessel Name
Vessel Year
Vessel Make/Model
Vessel Engine(s)
Engine Serial Number(s)
Vessel Location/Slip
Service Request Details
Please submit a detailed request of what services you are looking to have done.
Apex Marine Service, requires a $150 deposit for any site visits in order to diag the scope of the work provided. Estimates provided by Apex Marine Service, are based on available information at the time of estimation and are subject to change based on additional requirements or unforeseen circumstances. Should you chose to complete your work using Apex Marine Service, this $150 deposit will be taken off your final invoice.
Yes, I acknowledge the $150 non-refundable formal estimate deposit.
We appreciate your interest in our services and thank you for submitting your request through this form. Please note, that while we value every submission, completing this form does not guarantee that the requested work will be undertaken. Multiple factors such as project prioritization, resource availability, weather, and scope of work involved will determine whether we can proceed with the requested work. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email us.
I have read the above disclaimer
If you are filling out this form for boat or engine surveys, please acknowledge that the boat must be hauled and cleaned prior to the survey date. All haul out dates must be coordinated by the customer with the marina.
I agree
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