Welcome to the AIM staff application process!
This form has four parts: A few general logistical questions and CV upload, a fit assessment of agree-disagree questions, 12 multiple-choice style questions, and two short questions. Together, these parts give different kinds of applicants different ways to demonstrate their fit and make our assessment more robust and predictive. In total, filling in this form should not take more than 30 minutes, and we recommend to spend the most time on your three short answers as these are most predictive of later success in our roles and we thus weight them quite heavily. You can save your progress and return at a later time with the button at the bottom (the email might take some minutes to arrive). Thank you so much for your interest in working with AIM - we hope you enjoy the process and are looking forward to receiving your application!
1. Logistics
A few quick and easy questions and a place to upload your CV to get started.
What is your name?
First Name
Last Name
What is your email address?
Confirmation Email
Please make sure to use the same email address throughout the process as our system allocates your submissions to you via the email address you use throughout.
To which AIM role(s) are you applying? (You are invited to apply to multiple roles at the same time if they are all in the top tier of jobs for you.)
AIM Philanthropic Programs Director
AIM Charity Entrepreneurship Program Manager
AIM Operations Manager
AIM Communication & Marketing Manager
Expression of interest: Director of Recruitment
Expression of interest: General (no specific role)
Which type(s) of role(s) would you be most interested in? When would you be available to start?
As Director of Recruitment, I'd be most interested in...
Managing the communications/marketing function and 1-2 FTE
Managing the selection function and 1-2 FTE
Managing both functions at the same time and 2-3 FTE
Please briefly explain why you are keen on this role (or roles) and what makes you excited to work with AIM in particular. (500 words max)
Please check the logistical factors that apply to you. (Not fulfilling these factors is not necessarily a deal-breaker, but they do affect your overall fit for our roles.)
I currently live in London (UK) or am willing to relocate for this role
I would be able to start within a month after receiving an offer
I am looking for a full-time role
My starting gross annual salary expectation is between £40,000 and £50,000
Would you like us to potentially share your application with other organisations in the AIM ecosystem that might be a good fit for you? (Hover over text for more information)
Yes, please share my application
No, please do not share my application
Please upload your CV:
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
2. Fit Assessment
In this section, you'll be asked to mark whether you agree or disagree with a series of statements. You'll be asked about your workstyles, personality, and ways of thinking. These will help us assess your fit for working with AIM. Please answer in the way that most accurately describes your current thinking and don't overthink individual answers.
Fit Questions (1/3)
1. Most people can be manipulated.
2. When I have an opinion about something, I can usually say what it would take to change my mind.
3. Beliefs should be revised in response to new information or evidence.
4. I have a history of completing complex projects with minimal supervision.
5. Whatever it takes, you need to get the important people on your side.
6. Of all the different philosophies that exist in the world, there is probably only one which is correct.
7. Over the course of my life, my opinions have changed very little.
8. I see myself as someone who is dependable, self-disciplined.
Fit Questions (2/3)
9. I can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different kinds of evidence.
10. People should take into consideration evidence that goes against their beliefs.
11. When my mind is set on something, it hardly ever changes.
12. I manage my time effectively to meet deadlines and prioritize tasks.
13. There are things you should hide from other people to preserve your reputation.
14. I believe that individuals have a moral obligation to use their resources (time, money, skills) to do as much good as possible.
15. I like to be confident I can do well in a task before I try to complete it.
16. It is important to persevere in your beliefs even when evidence is brought to bear against them.
17. I'm comfortable making decisions quickly and with incomplete information.
Fit Questions (3/3)
18. I avoid direct conflict with others because they may be useful in the future.
19. I quickly decide on what actions to take to solve problems
20. I easily reorganize my work to adapt to new circumstances.
21. The good accomplished by charities shouldn't be reduced to metrics.
22. A personal goal in my life is to significantly improve the lives of a large number of people and/or animals.
23. I believe that loyalty to one's ideals and principles is more important than open-mindedness.
24. Most of my donations go to causes that directly affect me or my community.
3. Multiple Choice Questions
We have found that the following questions give most candidates a better chance to demonstrate their fit for our roles and organisation than their CV alone. Please select whichever answer best reflects your current thinking on each question and don't overthink these - none of these will determine our evaluation by itself.
Which of the following do you think is most important to AIM?
Achieving the SDGs
Helping people help their community
Funding social enterprises
Creating a high-impact philanthropic ecosystem
When looking to find out something about the world, the type of evidence I tend to favour is…
expert consensus in the field
scientific studies and meta analyses
compelling rational and logical arguments
surveying people affected
When comparing charities in the world, I'd estimate that...
the most effective ones are closest to twice as good as the average
the most effective ones are closest to 100x-1,000x better than the average
the most effective ones are closest to 10,000x better than the average, or more
they are too difficult to compare
When it comes to considering how good a charity is, the thing I care about most is...
the intentions and motivations of the charity
the produced results of the charity
the principles and values of the charity
all three equally
In my opinion, the most admirable charities are...
experimental charities that try something wildly different and new
charities where people help their own community
charities that implement proven cost-effective solutions at scale
meta charities that multiply the impact of others
______ is a key strategy that I think should be used more often in the wider charity world.
Think global but act local
Sustainable solutions
Low overhead
Maximising cost-effectiveness
Pick the top 3 of the below 10 factors that are most important to you for your next role:
The workplace has diverse coworkers
The workplace has value-aligned co-workers
The workplace has a good work-life balance
The work builds learnings and growth for future jobs
The salary is competitive with other roles in the same industry
The benefits are competitive with other roles in the same industry
The work creates significant impact
The work is the most impactful job I could do
The work builds credibility, reputation, and connections for future jobs
The work is interesting/challenging
Two co-founders need to research the best target audience for a charity intervention. Together, the two co-founders can complete the necessary research in four days. Co-founder A can conduct the research by himself in six days. How long would it take co-founder B to write the report by herself, assuming all speeds and research lengths are consistent?
Four days
Six days
Eight days
Twelve days
Assume the fictional charity BehaviouralRadio is scaling up its work in Africa. It doubles the geographic area it covers with its messaging every year. If it takes the charity 20 years to cover all of Africa, how long would it take the charity to cover half of it?
10 years
19 years
40 years
11 years
Assume administering a vaccine costs $10.10 USD in total. The administration effort and staffing costs $10.00 USD more than the vaccine dose itself. How much does a dose of the vaccine cost?
$0.05 USD
$10.00 USD
$0.10 USD
$1.05 USD
How strongly do you subscribe to the following movements' principles?
Not at all
Very weakly
Very Strongly
Effective altruism
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Randomista movement
Animal rights
Animal welfare
Which best describes your level of familiarity with the Effective Altruism movement?
I have not heard of Effective Altruism or I'm unsure what it is
I have encountered Effective Altruist ideas in books or online media
I have participated in virtual programs, book clubs, or seminars with others in order to learn about Effective Altruism
I have attended an Effective Altruism conference (i.e., EAGx, EAG) or otherwise engaged deeply with Effective Altruism
4. Short Answer Questions
In this part, we will ask you two short questions (max. 500 words). There is no single correct answer; we are looking to learn more about how you think and reason and what you value. This is the part of the process we would recommend to put the most thought into. Please do not use large language models or other AI tools to write your answers - AI-generated submissions will be recognised and automatically disqualified from the application process.
If you made £45,000 per year, how much would you donate to charity, to which exact organisation(s), and why to these in particular? (500 words max)
Please rank the following four factors based on what you believe are the most critical components for an outstanding nonprofit organisation. Provide a brief explanation for your ranking order. (500 words max)
Four factors: (A) The scientific evidence the intervention is effective (B) Involving local stakeholders in decision-making (C) The estimated effects of the nonprofit on the far future (e.g., 100+ years) (D) The cost per intervention, animal, or person helped by the nonprofit.
Please rank how you would prioritise between the following four outcomes based on what you believe are the most critical components for an outstanding AIM Operations team. What % of time would you spend on each and why? Provide a brief explanation for your ranking order. (500 words max)
Four factors: (A) There are half as many legal and accounting errors as similar nonprofits (B) Everything is done twice as quickly as similar nonprofits. (C) The AIM team finds the operations team 1/10 points overall better at their job according to staff surveys. (D) The operations team is ranked as twice as transparent and communicative compared to similar operations teams.
Please rank how you would prioritise between the following four outcomes based on what you believe are the most critical components for an outstanding AIM recruitment team. What % of time would you spend on each and why? Provide a brief explanation for your ranking order. (500 words max)
Four factors: (A) Twice as many applications come in as last round, (B) the brand voice is consistent across all communications outputs, (C) AIM's social media channels are thriving with engagement and many applicants mention these as a source, (D) the nonprofits launched are 2x better than last year
Have you used a large language model or other AI tool to write your answer to these questions?
Almost finished!
Please answer a few legal and informational questions for us that will not affect your application. Then you're done!
What is your country of residence? This will help us evaluate the scope of our reach.
Where did you first hear about this opportunity?
Tick one
80,000 Hours
AIM/CE LinkedIn
LinkedIn - Direct Message
AIM Newsletter
Escape the City
AIM or Charity Entrepreneurship website
Told by a friend, colleague, etc.
Slack workspace (e.g. Hive)
EA Forum
Other email newsletter
Recieved an email encouraging you to apply
On a scale of 0-2, please rate the importance of the following factors in your decision to apply
Opportunity to work for a high-impact organization
The responsibilities and tasks of the role are a great fit with what I most want to do
AIM/Charity Entrepreneurship’s track record in launching charities
Opportunity to learn from and build a network within AIM's community of founders
The salary and/or other benefits on offer through the role
I give my consent for Ambitious Impact (a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation in England and Wales with charity number 1195850) to process my data provided on this form for the purpose of recruitment in accordance with the UK GDPR. I will be able to access my data and delete it at any time by contacting: candidates@charityentrepreneurship.com
(Optional) Is there any other information you would like to share before submitting this form?
MC Movement Principles Alignment /1 (/46)
MC personal motivation /1 (/7)
MC Logistic Flexibility /1
MC Epistemics /1 (out of 20)
MC Values /1 (/65)
MC Fit Values (old ambitious altruism) /1 (/36)
MC Fit Epistemics /1 (/63)
MC Fit GSD (old Startup Fit) /1 (/49)
MC Fit did not get a high Mach Score /28 (<15-20 is no good)
Tripped no LLM or AIM Screens /20
MC IQ /30
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