Join the AI Scholars Program!
This program provides college students in computing, informatics, and data science and K-12 teachers with opportunities to learn about AI, engage in projects for teaching K-12 students about AI, and develop their leadership skills in broadening participation of historically excluded groups in computing. STARS AI Scholars will participate in a project that supports local efforts for broadening participation in AI, often through a student organization, local events or even for course credit, and connect with our national STARS organization for resources through quarterly webinars and an annual in-person conference. STARS AI Scholars who complete the program requirements will be eligible for a stipend of up to $1000 once their leadership/outreach project has been completed. We strongly encourage STARS AI Scholars program applicants to be part of a STARS Chapter; if your academic institution or organization does not already have a STARS Chapter please have a faculty/staff member from your institution/organization apply for one here: For more info about STARS: For more information about the INVITE AI Institute: For more information about the EngageAI Institute:
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Academic Institution or Organization
I am a(n):
undergraduate student
graduate student
faculty member or administrator at a college/university
staff member at a college or university
K12 teacher
K12 administrator
If you are a student, please enter your expected graduation year:
I am particularly interested in working with STARS to participate in:
STARS K12 computing outreach programs focused on AI concepts & socially responsible AI
STARS programs for college students to learn more about AI concepts and socially responsible AI
STARS inclusive peer tutoring for college computing students
Inclusive workforce preparation for college computing students
Student research projects on diversity, equity, and inclusion in computing
Student research projects on AI in education
Inclusive research experiences
Identity-focused student groups
Inclusive student communities and activities
I would be potentially willing to commit to:
Engaging in at least one STARS initiative listed in the question above for one semester
Attending STARS national quarterly webinar meetings
Working with a STARS Leadership Corps student chapter to design and implement activities for diversity, equity, and inclusion in computing
Working with my STARS Leadership Corps chapter to share data on our STARS-related efforts so that STARS can meet federal funding agency reporting requirements
Helping to recruit other college students to join a STARS Leadership Corps (SLC) chapter at my organization
Does your academic institution or organization already have a STARS Chapter?
Not sure
If not, enter names and emails of faculty/staff you think would be interested in becoming a member of STARS:
I understand I’ll be more likely to get the scholarship if my institution is part of a STARS Chapter.
I understand
We plan monthly webinars starting November 2024 and across the academic year of 2024-2025. The regular meeting time is at 6:30-8pm ET/5:30-7pm CT. Please select whether you think you can attend.
I understand and will save the dates for the webinars at 630pm Eastern / 530pm Central.
I cannot attend monthly webinars.
Why you are interested in applying the STARS AI scholars program?
Do you have experience in broadening participation in computing? If so, please share it here. While prior experience isn't required, we want to tailor our program to your background.
What experience do you have in AI (e.g., using AI applications, taking AI classes, building AI applications)?
What are your ideas for how and for whom you could offer K12 AI outreach opportunities and make a meaningful impact?
What does diversity, equity, inclusion, and ethics in AI and K12 education mean for you in the context of this program?
Collecting demographic data helps us to understand who our programs bring to the table so that we can prepare webinar content that reflects our community -- it also helps us to provide required reporting information to funding agencies that support STARS programs and events.
Do you identify as LGBTQIA+?
Prefer not to specify
Which of the following best describe how you self-identify with respect to race? Select all that apply.
Black/African American
Native American/Alaskan Native/First Nations
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Prefer not to specify
Prefer to self-describe:
Are you of Hispanic, Latinx, or Spanish origin?
Yes, Spanish
Yes, Hispanic
Yes, Latino
No, I am not Hispanic/Latinx/Spanish origin.
Do you identify as cisgender? Cisgender is a term for people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth.
Prefer not to specify
How would you describe your gender identity? Please select all that apply
Prefer not to specify
Prefer to self-describe:
Are you the first person in your family to attend college?
Prefer not to specify
Do you identify as having a disability and/or chronic condition?
Prefer not to specify
You indicated that you have a disability or chronic condition. Which categories best describe your disability or chronic condition? Select all that apply:
Attention deficit
Blind or visually impaired
Deaf or hard of hearing
Health-related disability
Learning disability
Mental health condition
Mobility-related disability
Speech-related disability
Prefer not to specify
Please share any questions, comments, or concerns with us here:
How did you hear from us?
Please verify that you are human
Should be Empty: