Camping Ministry and the Church
A PMR Camping Ministry Survey
Here's Why
With the restructuring of the UCC, a strategic decision was made by the region to make camping ministry a core ingredient of PMR’s First Third Ministry’s work of nurturing the spiritual lives of children, youth, young adults and their families. Because of the formational experiences that can happen, camping has the potential for animating whole new relationships in congregations and communities. We want to hear about how you think so. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. The results will be tabulated by the Beyond S’mores task group. If you indicate your interest, you may be invited into a further one-to-one conversation with the task group. If you’d like to participate in a focus group, THE PMRC TOWN HALL GATHERING, OCTOBER 9 AT 1 PM, will be dedicated to hearing from the church on these issues. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SURVEY BY OCTOBER 25, 2024
1. What is the name of the United church camp that is closest to you?
I'm not sure
Other: Please specify below
If your response is Other, please fill out your closest Church camp location. If your response is I'm not sure, please put N/A as your answer.
2. What is your connection to that camp? (Please check all that apply)
I was a camper there
I sent children there or I know children who went there
My congregation/community of faith held a retreat there
Other: Please specify below
If your response is Other, Please specify below. If your response is already chosen above, please put N/A as your answer.
3. What do you value about camping ministry? (Please check all that apply)
Formative experiences for children, youth and young adults
Leadership development for children, youth and young adults
A fun experience in nature
Opportunities for congregations/communities of faith to connect children, youth and young adults
Other: Please specify below
If your response is Other, Please specify below. If your response is already chosen above, please put N/A as your answer.
4. How have you or your congregation/community of faith supported your local camp? (Please check all that apply)
We have hosted Camping Sunday in worship
We display camp brochures and promote the experience among families in our community
We volunteer on camp clean up days
We raise money for bursaries for campers to attend
We have raised money for site improvements
Other: Please specify below
If your response is Other, Please specify below. If your response is already chosen above, please put N/A as your answer.
5. Based on your experience, how can camping ministry best serve and/or be in relationship with your congregation/community of faith?
I don't see camping ministry serving my congregation/community of faith
I can see many ways: Please specify below
Please specify below
What is your Relationship with the United Church
Ministry Personnel
Child/Youth/Young Adult
Children/Youth/Young Adult Leader
Are you willing to be contacted further to share your thoughts about camping ministry?
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Thank-you for your time today. Kerry Child, Jen Cunning, Ibi Chuan, Deborah Richards Beyond S’mores Research Task Group.
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