Dear [your MLA will go here], CC: Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Province of BC:
We call on the province to extend the provincial Get on Board program to include free transit for all youth up to age 18 in every transit system in BC. Youth are currently excluded from this important program in BC that only goes up to age 12. They do not deserve to be. Youth aged 13-18 in the crucial developmental stage of adolescence need basic mobility more than ever to thrive in every aspect of their lives. Our youths are the future of this province and our most valuable resource. We must ensure their right to access school and thrive while BC brings up new generations who choose sustainable transportation for life.
We advocate for the province to build on the success of the universal approach already in place and raise the eligibility age to eighteen. A universal approach ensures that no youth is left behind or singled out due to their socioeconomic status. We cannot separate the right of every youth to access their school from their access to the mobility to do so. Youth mobility is also about the opportunity to participate in important extra-curricular activities and the freedom youth need to grow, whether they are accessing a pool, a drop-in centre, a shelter, a counsellor’s office, or their grandparent’s home across town. That youth-in-need may miss the lifesaving supports available in BC due to mobility poverty and lack of access to transit is an avoidable travesty solved with free transit up to age 18.