Conflict of Interest Policy
POLICY PERTAINS TO: CNS Executive and Committee Members
POLICY RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that individual CNS Member gyms enact this or a similar policy to ensure that there are conflict of interests protocols in place for their individual gym activities.
Cheerleading Nova Scotia (CNS) operates with a commitment to transparency of process and unless otherwise restricted by law or Bylaw, transparency of content.
No Director, Officer, consultant, or gym owner, shall knowingly engage in any activity, participate in any matter or promote any contract where that activity, matter or contract is detrimental to, or is perceived to be not in, the best interest of CNS.
Board members of CNS shall disclose any conflict of interest in writing or verbally to the Board at a Board meeting.
A Conflict of Interest is a situation in which a Director, Officer or executive Director is involved in multiple interests, financial interest, or otherwise, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation of the individual or organization or raise the perception of impropriety or lack of integrity, or when their personal interests might benefit from his or her official actions or influence. The presence of a conflict of interest is independent of the occurrence of impropriety.
A Conflict of Interest shall include, but not be limited to the following:
The existence of every agreement, membership, employment, investment and involvement of that Director or Officer, with any person or organization where either that person or organization or CNS will be or may reasonably be perceived to be influenced by or detrimentally affected by the activities of the other;
All gifts or benefits (personal or corporate) from any one source in any 12 month period, which in the aggregate exceed in value the sum of $100 received by CNS Board Members. After receiving such a disclosure, the President or Vice President shall form a reasonable opinion as to whether or not the subject matter of that disclosure would be perceived by a reasonable person as being detrimental to the best interests of CNS.
In the event of a Conflict of Interest arising, the following actions may result:
The President or Vice-President may consult others on the Board around this opinion. On forming an opinion that there is no detriment to the best interests of CNS, the President or Vice-President shall inform the person who made the disclosure of this opinion. The Conflict shall be disclosed in the minutes of the Board. The individual may be required to abstain themselves from any decision making relating to the disclosed Conflict of Interest.
Should the opinion be that there is detriment to the best interests of CNS, the President or Vice-President shall inform the person making the disclosure and will take this to the Board for resolution or action. If a person fails to comply, the matter shall be referred to the Board for a final in camera meeting or part of the regular meeting agenda called for this purpose. At this meeting, the Board may resolve that:
In case of a board member, revoke the appointment of the board member
Advise the members of the CNS of any other actions taken pursuant to these guidelines.