By my signature below, and on behalf of the rental group, I agree to the following:
- That I have fully read and understand the Rental Contract
- That the group will operate within the Rental Contract guidelines
- That the group agrees to leave equipment and buildings in the same condition as at the time of arrival
- That the group will clean the facilities used according to the guidelines set out by The Quest at Christopher Lake and understand that by not doing so will invoke additional billed charges or pay an additional fee for a cleaning service.
- That payment of any balance due shall be made/arrabnged before leaving The Quest at Christopher Lake
- Deposits are non-refundable within 90 days of the event, unless another group is able to book.
- The Quest at Christopher Lake shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any loss, damage or injury to any property or person(s) belonging to the rental group.
- I understand that the camp has several facilities and reserves the right to book groups in each of these facilities at any time and that, The Quest at Christopher Lake reserves the right to cancel reservations if in the sole opinion of it, the facility is or may be used in a manner that is inconsistent with its Statement of Faith.
- We, the rental group, agree to accept responsibility for communicating and seeing that the enclosed guidelines are followed.
- We agree to respect all property, facilities and staff of The Quest at Christopher Lake. Any damages incurred by our group will be paid by the organization we represent.