Fostering Diversity in Biostatistics Workshop
Sponsor & Expo Vendor Interest Form
This day-long workshop has been held at the annual ENAR spring meeting since 1999 and aims to increase the number of quantitatively skilled young scholars from minoritized groups, enrolling in degree programs in Biostatistics, and promote their participation in and contributions to, the field. To this end, the Diversity Workshop has primarily provided travel support for undergraduates from minoritized groups to attend. Workshop participants also include high school students, current graduate students in (bio)statistics programs, faculty members at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Native American Tribal Colleges, who may serve as advisors and/or mentors to the undergraduates, faculty from graduate (bio)statistics programs with collaborations in a variety of biomedical areas, and biostatistical representatives from industry and governmental agencies.
If you or your organization is interested in being involved with the event as a sponsor, please review the opportunities below and complete this form in its entirety.
Coalition Sponsors: Coalition sponsorships are only offered to Universities at the following levels: Bronze $1,500; Silver $2,000; Gold $2,500 & Platinum $3,000. This type of sponsorship does not include a table in our main exhibit hall, but does include a spot at the Expo. **Please note, any reps who plan to participate in the Workshop, need to officially register themselves on the website.
Industry Partners: The ENAR 2025 Spring Meeting prospectus is available on the ENAR website here with more details about what is included in the sponsorship levels. The main difference between this and the Expo Vendor, is you are provided a 6-foot table in the main exhibit hall Sunday through Wednesday AND a high-boy table for networking during the Sunday night Expo.
Career & Opportunities Expo Vendor: The Expo is a stand-alone event that includes a high-boy table for networking during the event. There is a fee of $800, which is used to help sponsor one student attendee for the Workshop. The Expo takes place after the main Fostering Diversity Workshop Sunday, March 23. FDBW participants are invited to network with the Expo vendors from 6-8 pm and at 7 pm, our Career Placement Center applicants are also invited to attend. This type of sponsorship does not include a table in our main exhibit hall.