A pivotal key to every Guts Church mission trip participant is to maintain Christian character in line with biblical principles. As a participant, you are expected to live in such a manner that brings glory to Christ and avoids every appearance of evil in your behavior and attitude both in and outside the church (1 Thess 5:22). Therefore, you are expected to:
• Abstain from biblically immoral practices including drunkenness, stealing, slanderous or profane language, dishonesty, occult practices and sexual sins (premarital sex, adultery and homosexuality) or any other behavior that is considered detrimental to Christian character and witness (1 Tim 3:2-3)
• Avoid bad attitudes (such as jealousy, pride, bitterness, greed, strife, needless anger and discrimination) and behavior (such as gossip, divisiveness and complaining) that disrupts the unity and health of the church (Gal 5:19-21)
• Submit to the designated leadership and graciously receive correction
• Honor and respect leadership, members of staff, members of the congregation, and other particippants.
• Abstain from alcohol, smoking, chewing of any tobacco substances, and the use of any illegal drugs. Do not abuse prescription drugs and take only as directed/prescribed to you.
• Abstain from any mind-altering substances including sniffing, marijuana, etc