The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus (GLLC) Birkholz Institutes bring together a small group of legislators to take a deep dive into an issue on the GLLC’s policy agenda and form a task force to lead the Caucus’ work to take coordinated regional action on the issue.
The members of the Caucus chose to name these biennial institutes in honor of the GLLC’s founder, the late Michigan Senator Patricia (Patty) Birkholz. Senator Birkholz’s vision for the GLLC was to “bring key Great Lakes lawmakers together regularly to share knowledge and hear other perspectives” for the purpose of “improving the impact and uniformity of practices established in statute.”
The 2025 Birkholz Institute will focus on Emerging Contaminants: PFAS and Plastic and take place in Milwaukee, WI in June 2025.
Travel Scholarships: Selected Birkholz Fellows will receive travel scholarships to help with travel/lodging costs.
Friday, June 13 - Saturday, June 14
Milwaukee, WI