I have informed my stylist of any prior chemical services or treatments applied to my hair in the past six months, as well as any history of allergic reactions to chemical services.
I understand that chemical treatments pose certain risks, including but not limited to:
-Hair damage, breakage, or dryness
-Scalp irritation or chemical burns
-Unintended results (uneven texture, over processing)
-Changes in color
I understand that these risks can be influenced by the condition of my hair, my history of chemical treatments, and my aftercare routine.
I acknowldge that I have discussed my hair's condtion with my stylist and have informed them of any previous damage, chemical services, or home treatments. I understand that my stylist may perform a strand test before proceeding with the service to assess my hair's ability to handle the treatment.
I understand that following a chemical treatment, proper home care is crucial to maintaining the health and longevity of the treatment. I agree to follow the aftercare instructions provided by my stylist, which may include:
-Using recommened products
-Avoiding heat stlying, chlorine, or other damagin factors.
I acknowledge that failure to follow aftercare guidelines may lead to undesired results or hair damage.
I understand while Upper Class Hippie Salon and its stylist strive to acheive the best possible results, the outcome of chemical treatments can vary on individual hair type, condition, and history. No specific outcome or result is gauranteed.
By signing this form, I release Upper Class Hippie Salon,its owners, employees, and stylists from any liabilty arising from any negative reactions or damage to my hair or scalp as a result of the chemical treatment. I accept full responsibilty for the decision to undergo the treamtent and assume all associated risks.
I understand all services provided are non-refundable. If I am not satisifed with the result of my treatment, I will contact the salon within 7 days to discuss potential corrective measures, which may incur additional charges.