Q - What is a Salary Benchmark Report?
A - Mispar will create a customized report to present the median salary for your selected job description in the Jewish market, based on responses from employers and employees across popular Jewish cities.
Q- Is the Position Report right for me?
A- If you are an employee or job seeker looking to explore market value for a particular position within an industry or across different industries, the Position Report will help you gain clarity with a list of comparable salary medians and customized predictive salary amount for your particular position.
The Position Report Includes:
-Salary prediction based on your unique demographics, skill set and industry experience (when applicable)
-Overall median salary
-Comparative median salary, when applicable
-Median salary across top locations
-Median salary by gender
-Median salary by working hours
-Median salary by tenure
Q- Is the Industry Report right for me?
A- If you are an HR director, hiring authority or business owner that is looking to understand benchmarks across the scope of your industry, in addition to gaining information about particular positions, this extensive Industry report will provide you with all the salary details you need to stay competitive in your market and make informed, empowered decisions.
Each report includes an in-depth analysis of your industry of interest, as well as details on up to 4 requested positions, reflecting a total of up to 5 data sets.
The industry report includes:
-General median salary
-Median salary by top locations
-Median salary by gender
-Median salary by affiliation
-Average hours worked
-Top recruitment sources
-Median salary of top positions (when applicable)
-Benefits Package
-Compensation rating
The position reports (x4) include:
-General median salary within selected Industry
-Comparative median salary within competitive industries
-Median salary by top locations
-Median salary by gender
-Median salary by working hours
-Median salary by level of education
-Median salary by tenure
Q- How do I know how many responses my report represents?
A- All information is presented with 100% transparency, reflecting the number of responses represented in the report.
Q- What if Mispar’s salary database does not have sufficient data for the position and industry I am interested in?
A- All industries listed in the sign-up form are represented in our database. However, some less popular fields have a small representation. If that is the case with your selection, we will provide you with data from comparable fields to offer you the most valuable benchmarks available.
Q- What if the characteristics I am looking for are not included in the lists on Mispar’s sign-up form?
A-If your business category or position is not included in the list, we do not have results to match your exact job description. However, you may choose the closest match and add details about your job description in the comments section. We will customize your report to reflect comparables and insights to match your role as closely as possible. You may also reach out to us through the link in the purchase form and we’ll be happy to help you determine your selection.