Contact All Saints Catholic School Staff
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Elizabeth de Leon, Ed.D., Principal
Carol Margarit, Assistant Principal
Kerry Sebour, Administrative Assistant
Chris Spinler, Administrative Assistant
Natalie Weber, Administrative & School Data Assistant
Amber Sauber, HR/Payroll/School Database Coordinator
Wendi Jurek, Preschool Director & Teacher
Kelly Adrian, Preschool Teacher
Jackie Brezinski, Preschool Teacher
Ashley Benson – Preschool Teacher Assistant
Jennifer Franta, Preschool Teacher Assistant
Erica Gardner, Preschool Teacher Assistant
Laurie Mrosla, Preschool Teacher Assistant
Deanna Rivard, Preschool Teacher Assistant
Amelia Hensch, Kindergarten
Jennifer Olson, Kindergarten
Mary Candell, Gr 1
Caree LaBounty, Gr 1
Molly Heller, Gr2
Cindy Mullenbach, Gr 2
Heather DeMaster, Gr 3
Amy Glandon, Gr3
Kjersta Donnelly, Gr 4
Martha Johnson, Gr 4
Tiffany Clark, Gr 5
Elizabeth de Leon/Kyle Kelley, Gr 5
Lori Beumer, MS Math
Jen Heggen, MS Language Arts
Natalie Juntilla, MS Social Studies
Sara Koch, MS Science & Religion
Roxanne Scrafford, MS Math
Jackie Smith, MS Language Arts & Religion
Kevin Waldbillig, MS Math
Martha Satterwhite, Spanish
Emily Heidelberger, Band Director
Paula Hopf, Art
Mary Klein, Phy Ed
Joe Mullins, Technology
Anthony Wahl, Technology
Sarah Bockwinkel, Skills Enrichment
Ann McGinley, Skills Enrichment
Jill Miller, Skills Enrichment
Mary Yetzer – Skill Enrichment Teacher
Joanie Goldammer, Teacher's Aide Gr K-2
Christine Pena, Teacher's Aide Gr K-2
Annie Sperides, Teacher's Aide Gr 3-5
Sara Wiebenga, Teacher's Aide Gr 3-5
Krissy Warford – Teacher’s Aide
Nicole Pattee, Librarian
Laura Carlson, School Counselor
Kathy Traster/Amy Wierzbicki, School Nurses
Susan Younes, Extended Day Coordinator
Emily Stensrud, Lead Kitchen Assistant
Kelly Simon, Kitchen Assistant
Toni Zitek, School Welcome Desk
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