Open Course Policy.
As an Open Course student, you agree with the following:
1. I am not considered a matriculated True North College student and I fully understand that upon the completion of this course I will not receive college credit towards the official completion of a two-year diploma.
2. My class participation in this course is limited and the primary focus of the college professor is to provide for and cater to the needs of True North College students.
3. I may not actively participate in class in the same way as the True North College students do with respect to dialouge, Q & A or other student activities unless otherwise directed by the professor.
4. With regard to the deadline to register for any "open courses," it will be consistent with the drop/add date published by True North College for it's students that semester (September 11th for Fall Semester, 2023).
5. This is a “True North College” course and as such a minimum of 5 matriculated students is required for this class to launch and proceed. If this minimum is not met, the course will be cancelled.
6. In the event that this course is cancelled, I will be fully refunded my “open course” fee.