Thank you for your interest in applying to STEP Tennessee.
We suggest that you complete this application on a computer rather than a mobile device. We advise that you compile all necessary information before you begin to complete the application form.
The following is the information that you will need to complete the application:
- Basic company contact details and key facts (e.g., Federal Tax Identification Number, employment data, revenue data, product/service information, etc).
- Background information on the company's existing export activity (e.g., export sales information, key export markets, channels, international marketing activities, budget, etc.).
- Anticipated export goals and strategies over the next three years (international marketing plan).
- Proposed export development activities under the STEP program, including sales projections, job growth projections and detailed budget information.
It may be a good idea to save your answers as a separate Word document before entering the data into the online application. With this information compiled in advance, we anticipate that it will take less than 45 minutes to complete this application. Please note that answers to all questions are required.
All requests will be evaluated on the overall quality of the proposal, the company's ability to successfully execute the proposed project, and the projected export sales. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
STEP Tennessee is focused on the following goals, and your proposal must show how your company's export activity(ies) will help achieve at least one of these goals:
- Increase the number of Tennessee companies that export (i.e., help new-to-export companies start exporting)
- Increase the value of a company's exports
- Increase the number of companies exploring significant new trade opportunities
Applicants will receive a written response to their request. If you are awarded a STEP Tennessee grant, your company should submit a Request for Reimbursement within 30 days of project completion and include all required documentation based on the final expenses.
If you have questions or need help, please contact:
Jeffrey Overby, Director, Tennessee Export Initiative,