Join Our Worship Together Choir
Fusion, JH, SH, and Adults Welcome (4th grade and up)
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Age / Ministry Involvement
Please Select
Fusion (4th/5th grade)
JH (6th-8th grade)
High School (9th-12th grade)
Parent Email (4th - 12th Grade only)
Please leave this question empty for adults
Vocal Range?
Please Select
Not Sure
Student - Male
Student - Female
If you have experience singing in a traditional choir, let us know your preferred vocal part. If you don't have experience, that's okay! You can select not sure, or (if you are a student and are new to choir) check student - male or student - female.
Availability for Rehearsals
Attendance at all rehearsals is strongly encouraged. Attendance for the Sunday morning Nov 10 rehearsal at 8am is required to participate. Participants must also attend at least one of the evening rehearsals Tuesday Oct 29 or Wednesday Nov 6.
Please check the rehearsals you will be able to attend
Tues Oct 29, 6:30-8:00pm (Auditorium)
Wed Nov 6, 6:30-8:00pm (Auditorium)
Sun Nov 10, 7:45am (Auditorium, Required to Participate)
Submit Form
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