Anti-Hazing Agreement
I, _____{childName}_____ and ___{parentName}___, have received information about Rho Sigma Alpha's strict policies against hazing. I fully comprehend that these practices are not only harmful but also completely inappropriate within Greek-letter organizations. I am committed to neither subjecting myself to hazing nor tolerating any form of hazing or harassment towards my fellow members. In the event that my efforts to eradicate hazing prove ineffective, I pledge to promptly report any hazing activities I become aware of to the appropriate authorities. For more information, please refer to your Membership Handbook.
1. Any physical activity that is not part of an organized, voluntary athletic context or not explicitly directed toward constructive purposes.
2. Any activity, including voluntary athletic contests and constructive work, that might reasonably cause harm to an individual.
3. Engaging in hitting, beating, or permitting members to harm others physically.
4. Involvement in activities that disrupt an individual's academic pursuits by causing exhaustion, loss of sleep, or interference with reasonable study time.
5. Mandating individuals to consume alcohol or drugs.
6. Coercing, forcing, or allowing individuals to ingest foreign or unusual substances.
7. Requiring participation in activities that are illegal or violate an individual's moral and/or religious beliefs.
Hazing: The following actions are considered acts of bullying or mistreatment:
❑ Forcing a friend to do something they don't want to do
❑ Physically hurting someone, like hitting or pushing
❑ Yelling or screaming at others
❑ Being unkind or mean
❑ Bullying
❑ Shouting or yelling
❑ Pushing
❑ Pinching
To report incidents of hazing, please contact National
"I promise to treat each young lady the same way I was treated."