Support materials + Work samples
Please provide:
- Artist Curriculum Vitae (CV) | acceptable file types: .doc, .pdf
- Headshot (file size should be no larger than 300kb) | acceptable file types: .jpeg, .png
- Work samples | details on how to submit via dropbox OR hyperlink using this form are below
Work samples
Please provide at least 1 example of your work and no more than 5 in total by navigating to this Dropbox folder. Support materials may also be submitted via hyperlink by clicking through the following prompts in this form.
Your Dropbox folder title must match your name as submitted in this application form.
!! Please include a document (.doc or .pdf only) that provides a single line to clarify each inclusion with details such as:
- title
- length (performance) or dimensions (visual art) of work
- year of creation/completion
- medium
- and/or other relevant information
Accepted work samples:
- Video (acceptable file types: .mp4, .mov, .avi, .wmv | Include title of work, year, medium, length of sample, etc.
- Images (acceptable file types: .jpeg, .png) | Include title of work, year, medium, etc.
- Website or other links | Provide in the following prompts and please ensure they are accessible or that you provide a password in order for assessors to access.