参赛须知 Information for Participants
1. 参赛者确认《报名表》中所填写的所有个人资料准确无误,并同意大赛主办方及海外承办方(兆龙国际有限公司)保存和使用这些信息。若资料与事实不符,主办方和海外承办方有权取消其参赛资格,且无需承担任何责任。
Participants confirm that all personal information provided in the registration form is accurate and agree to its storage and use by the competition host and the overseas organizer, Mega Global Marketing Inc. If discrepancies are found, the competition host and the overseas organizer reserves the right to disqualify the participant without liability.
2. 参赛者必须遵守大赛的各项规定。所有名次和奖项均以评委会的最终决定为准,参赛者不得提出异议,评审结果不可更改或上诉。
Participants must comply with all competition rules. All rankings and awards are subject to the final decision of the judging panel, and participants cannot dispute or appeal these decisions.
3. 若参赛者违反比赛规定,大赛主办方及海外承办方有权取消其参赛资格,并且不承担任何赔偿或解释责任。
In the event of rule violations, the competition host and the overseas organizer reserves the right to disqualify the participant without explanation or compensation.
4. 参赛者的姓名、形象(包括照片及视频)、声明(陈述)及参赛作品可能会被拍摄并在全球媒体上播出,包括但不限于电视、报刊杂志、广播及互联网。所有这些数据的使用权归大赛主办方及海外承办方所有。参赛者同意主办方和海外承办方有权决定如何使用与参赛者参赛过程相关的所有或部分内容,所有个人信息及参赛数据可能会用于广告、节目或其他媒体形式,无需另行通知。
Participants' names, images (including photos and video), statements, and entries may be filmed and broadcast on global media, including but not limited to television, newspapers, magazines, radio, and the internet. The use of such data is determined by the competition host and the overseas organizer. Participants agree that the host and the overseas organizer have the right to determine how all or part of their participation content may be used, and that all personal information and competition data may be used in advertisements, programs, or other media formats without further notice.
5. 参赛者的形象及参赛表演内容必须健康、积极向上,且表演须由参赛者本人或小组成员独立完成,不允许代唱或由他人代替。
Participants' images and performance content must be healthy and positive. Performances must be independently completed by the participant or group members. Lip-syncing or replacement by others is not allowed.
6. 参赛者需积极配合比赛过程中的各项安排,包括与比赛相关的拍摄、宣传及其他活动。任何拒绝配合可能导致失去参赛资格。
Participants must actively cooperate with all arrangements during the competition, including filming, promotions, and other activities related to the event. Any refusal to cooperate may result in disqualification.
7. 参赛者不得以任何理由干扰或中断比赛的进程及宣传活动,任何由此引起的纠纷及造成的损失由参赛者负责并向大赛主办方及海外承办方赔偿。
Participants have no right to interfere with or disrupt the competition's development, production, or promotion. Any disputes or losses arising therefrom will be responsibility of the participant and must be compensated to the competition host and the overseas organizer.
8. 若本协议中的任何条款与现行法律相抵触,该条款视为无效,但其他条款仍然有效。
If any provision of this agreement conflicts with applicable law, that provision shall be deemed invalid, but all other terms remain in effect.
9. 如遇不可抗力因素,大赛主办方及海外承办方有权取消活动,且对参赛者不承担任何赔偿责任。
In cases of force majeure, the competition host and the overseas organizer reserve the right to cancel the event without any liability to participants.
10. 大赛主办方及海外承办方对大赛拥有最终解释权,并有权随时修订参赛条款及赛制,无需事先通知。
The competition host and the overseas organizer hold the final interpretation of the competition and reserve the right to modify the competition terms and rules at any time without prior notice.