This is the online form section for all initial lamb registrations to be completed ONLY by the Breeder of the lamb(s).
This form allows for up to 15 lamb registrations at one time. Additional registrations will require completion of one set of registrations, then beginning a new registration session to register additional lambs as a separate filing.
You must be a current HSSR member and the Breeder to register and/or transfer lambs
NOTE: Both photos (right and left sides) should be free from other sheep, with as little backgound distraction as possible. The full body will show the tips of the ears to the bottom of hooves, and from the tip of the tail to the tip of the nose.
Please use the High Resolution setting in good light.
Do not crop photos, we will do that for the certificate.
Best shooting results are to set your phone or camera to "Burst" or "Continous" mode, capturing at least 10 shots of each side so you select the best shots for submission.
Restraining your lamb one at a time in a stall or paddock will help you achieve the best photos possible.