Type of Assistance
Assistance is available to qualified applicants towards one of the following options: 1) Monthly mortgage expense for the primary residence that was damaged by the Disaster or; 2) Rental cost due to displacement from the primary residence resulting from the Disaster or; 3) Hotel reimbursement due to displacement from the primary residence resulting from the Disaster. Relief assistance is limited to a maximum of $1,000 per household. Deadline for application submission is January 10, 2025. Please note this assistance is for housing relief only; other expenses including second mortgages (home equity lines or loans), clothing, appliances, equipment, vehicle purchase, rental or repair, and or mileage are ineligible for reimbursement under this program.
Recipient must be a full-time resident and U.S. citizen or legally admitted for residence in the United States. Recipient must have their primary residence in one of the 91 counties included in Governor Kemp's original disaster declaration.
All information provided on this form will remain confidential and will be available only to those who need to confirm eligibility for assistance and to those who process the assistance to be provided. This includes providing a copy of this application to the applicant's lender or landlord, if requested. It will not be shared with other parties for any other purpose.
Disbursement of Funds
In order to provide for a reasonable and equitable distribution of funds, assistance will be provided on a first come, first served basis. All grants are contingent upon the availability of funds.