Incubator Listening Sessions
Fill out this form to receive an invitation to the upcoming 2025 Incubator listening sessions. These sessions are for farm entrepreneurs who have or would be interested in participating in Glynwood's Hudson Valley Farm Business Incubator.
First Name
Last Name
What best describes you?
I am a farmer-entrepreneuer who is a current or former HVFBI participant
I am a farmer-entrepreneuer interested in the HVFBI
Which of the following are true? Select all that apply
My farm is registered with the Farm Service Agency (FSA)
I have accessed support through the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
I have accessed support through my local Cornell Cooperative Extension office
I have completed a business plan
I have less than 5 years of production farming experience
I have 5+ years of production farming experience
I actively own or lease farmland
I have been running my own farm business for one year or less
I have been running my own farm business for two to nine years
I have been running my own farm business for 10+ years
Tell us more about your access to land.
I have a lease that is less than 5 years
I have a 5+ year lease
I own my own land
I am seeking to lease or own land
If you are an Incubator "alumni", which of the following assistance did you receive through the program? Select all that apply.
Business and financial management
Holistic planning and goal setting
Infrastructure or site planning decisions
Legal and regulatory issues
Marketing and sales outlets
Production (vegetable or livestock)
If you are interested in the Incubator, what assistance do you hope to receive through the program? Select all that apply.
Business and financial management
Holistic planning and goal setting
Infrastructure or site planning decisions
Legal and regulatory issues
Marketing and sales outlets
Production (vegetable or livestock)
What are the primary challenges you are currently facing in your farming career?
How did you hear about the Hudson Valley Farm Business Incubator program?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Should be Empty: